beyond the sermons

help spread the love

"Love First."  It's more than just a title, it's a commandment, a way of life.  Jesus told us to Love God and Love our neighbor and to Love ourselves.  In an often divided world, "Love First" reminds us of the core of our Christian faith. 

On this page you will find a variety of resources to help take this sermon focus from the Fall of 2024 and carry its message to others. 

love first


Whether it's sharing a sermon, a worship service or a simple social media post, there are many ways for you to help spread the "Love First" message.  Please look at the resources below and help let others know that when it comes to God, others and ourselves, that LOVE always comes first!

When you share any of these items, please be sure and tag 1st UMC so we know you're sharing them. 

Facebook - @MaryvilleFUMC

X (formerly twitter) - @1stMaryville

Instagram & Threads - @Maryville1stUMC

  • sermons, shorts & more

    In the fall of 2024, our focus during worship was to "Love First" and the many ways this happens.  In our YouTube playlist you will find worship services, sermons and shorts that you can easily share on your channels to help others learn what it means to "Love First."

  • printable cards (8 per sheet)

    Kids love handing out Valentine's and these are perfect for them to cut out and give to the people on their Valentine's day list. 

  • animated valentine

    Download this groovy, animated, Valentine's Day graphic and share it with your friends, family and followers on  social media.  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    Start a conversation with your friends on Facebook (or other platforms) with this sweet Valentine's day message to Love First! (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • animated valentine

    Your friends are sure to heartheart this heartfelt Valentine when you post it to your social media channels.  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    This graphic is formatted specifically for Facebook sharing, but can be used on other platforms.  (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • animated valentine

    Your friends might just blush a little when they get this pink heart filled animated Valentine from you this year!  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    This graphic is formatted specifically for Facebook sharing, but can be used on other platforms.  (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • animated valentine

    Instead of flowers, you could send this Heart Shaped wreath to your Valentine's Day.  It comes with a great message to "Love First."   (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    This graphic is formatted specifically for Facebook sharing, but can be used on other platforms.  (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • mobile video

    Use these groovy hearts in action to help your friends and followers on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok know that when it comes to God, others and ourselves we should always "Love First." Mix it up with some of the other mobile videos and your choice of music.  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    While this Valentine's Day message to "Love First" does contain chocolate, it won't melt so you can send it anywhere you want without worry.  (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • mobile video

    Hearts a plenty are sure to come to your social media feeds when you use this "Love First" mobile video filled with love.  Be sure and include your choice of music when you post to give the video a little extra love.  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)

  • social media graphic

    Sweeten up your Valentine's efforts with this message filled with love.  (When you hit the download button the graphic will appear on your screen.  On a PC, right click on the graphic and select "save as" to save it to your device. On a mobile device press the graphic and select download.)

  • mobile video

    This pinkalicious Valentine's video may not be as sweet as one of those conversation hearts, but we're sure the people you share it with will appreciate the message.  Be sure and pick out a sweet tune to go with it!  (After hitting the download button, go over to the dots on the right hand corner and select download to get the video on your device.)