March 3rd
God of the mountain, I relive the moments when I have felt closest to you. I cling to memories of easy faith and mountaintop joy. Allow those holy ground memories to strengthen me. And when I find myself in the valley, carry my memories back to the mountain. With hope I pray, Amen.
March 4th
Jesus of Nazareth, you are the miracle-maker. You are the host of all, the friend to the sick, the hand in the storm. You are the ribbon on God’s finger and the wind in the air. You are human and God, teacher and friend. If people ask, make sure my voice does not shake. If people ask, give me the courage to say that you are love and love alone. Amen.
March 5th
Creator God, may my song be praise. May the small prayers I whisper under my breath be praise. May the food I make—and the friends I invite over to eat it—feel like praise. May the late-night dancing in the kitchen, and the laying on the floor to give the dog belly rubs, feel like praise. May most of it and all of it feel like praise, for you are worthy. Amen.
March 6th
Holy God, maybe it was the first time I saw snow. . . Maybe it was when the floor fell out from under me. . . Maybe it was the day I fell in love, or my first bible study. Whenever it was that my faith became my own, you were there. So today I ask: continue to make this faith my own. Create in me a faith-seeking heart. With hope I pray, Amen.
March 7th
Holy God, if my soul does not yearn and burn for something, then how can I possibly make a difference? Tend the fire in my core. Ignite passion and conviction in me, enough to prompt action. For I do not want these days to blur together in easy monotony. I want these days to burn bright with your love. Amen.
March 8th
God, for my grandmother’s front porch and the dock at summer camp, for the old creaky church pew we sat in every Sunday, and the corner coffee shop table where my pastor prayed for me—I give you thanks. These ordinary places have become holy ground memories. May their ordinary transformation from nothing to something remind me that no matter where I am, you meet me there. With gratitude for the mountain, the valley, and the holy mile markers along the way I pray, Amen.
March 9th
Calling God, you never let us walk this path alone. You surround us with saints and friends who affirm our call. When those saints and friends echo the call that you see in my life, help me to hear it. Quiet my temptation to dismiss praise or affirmation as if it is nothing more than a clanging gong or a clashing cymbal. You affirmed Peter. Allow me to accept affirmation in my own life as well. With gratitude I pray, Amen.