belong, believe, become

with 1st kids

But Jesus called the children to him and said, 

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Luke 18:16


We inspire children to fall in love with Jesus, and empower them to be lifelong disciples.


First, they must belong, then they will believe, and finally become lifelong disciples. 


Kristi Alton is the 1st Kids Ministries Director.  You can contact her with any questions at or call 865-982-1273 ext. 712


    • Nursery services are provided for children under 3-years-old.  
    • The Nursery is located in the 1st Kids Area on the lower level of the church building.
    • Nursery services are offered on Sunday mornings from 8:00 am until 11:30 am and for some special events.   
    • Please bring a bag with all the supplies your child will need while in our care.  Please have the child's name on the bag.
    • The nursery is a *nut free environment.
    • 1st Kids Sunday School is open to all ages through 5th grade.
    • Please bring your children to the 1st Kid's sign-in desk where you will receive a pick-up ticket and be escorted to your child's classroom.
    • New families will be introduced to 1st Kids policies, classrooms and team members.
    • Sunday School is from 9:15 am until 10:15am.  
  • During the 10:30 church service, there will be a second opportunity for children to gather and learn.  Children 3 years old through 1st Grade, will be escorted from the service to the 1st Kids Area on the lower level (Room C3).  Of course, this opportunity is a choice as children may choose to remain with their parent or other guardian in worship.  Parents will need to come following the service to pick up their child in the 1st Kids area. 

  • 5:00 to 5:45 pm  Children's Choir Rehearsals in Rooms 249/252
    5:30 to 6:15 pm  Dinner in Asbury Hall (gym, lower level)
    6:15 pm - Tots of Truth, Children's Bible Study (nursery & preschool children), lower level in the 1st Kids Area
    6:15 PM  Trackers of Truth, Children's Bible Study (K-5th graders), lower level in the 1st Kids Area.


    1st UMC Photo Policy

    Throughout the year we use hundreds of photos in publications, on our website, and social media outlets to help demonstrate our shared purpose of telling, teaching and touching the world so that all may become transformed by Christ. In communicating our mission to others we strive to respect your privacy. As a result our guidelines for printing and posting pictures embraces the principles in our mission statement. We consider the inclusion of photos in our communications a privilege that we intend to respect and honor.

    Photo guidelines: 

    1. Names or other identifying information (i.e., phone numbers, e-mails, addresses) will not be disclosed on photos except for church staff, officers and ministry leaders or those who have given us permission to use their names and information.

    2. Photos are almost always of people in public spaces and public events. 

    3. Pictures of children are almost always taken in a group setting and children are not identified individually (unless given permission to do so). 

    4. We try NOT to post any photos that would be considered embarrassing, objectionable, or hurtful to anyone in the photo. 

    5. We will provide credit for any photos taken by others if they so desire. In addition we honor any copyright wishes or restrictions. 

    6. Any photo will be removed upon request of an individual prominent in the photo or at the request of a parent or legal guardian.  Just email or call the church office at 865-982-1273 if you want a picture removed. 

  • When we lift our voices (and instruments) in worship and other places we help glorify God.  Here at 1st Kids Ministries we work to equip our children with the tools needed to use music in meaningful (and fun) ways in an effort to both learn about God and spread his message.  Click the button below to learn more about the many opportunities for children to participate in music ministries. 

    1st Kids Music Ministry

help us gear your

child for growth

There are many ways for your child to get involved with 1st Kids Ministries.  In addition to Sunday School and Kids Own Worship each week, 1st Kids hosts other events like Vacation Bible School, Parents Night Out and special themed gatherings.  

Some events will require registration and if you are bringing your children to Sunday School we do ask that you visit the check-in station at the 1st Kids Welcome Desk on the lower level (accessible at the bottom of the staircase when you come in the door just past the covered drop off area).   

You can help us better meet the needs of your children and help us know where to contact you, should the need arise, by filling out the child information sheet.



february focus

1st kids sunday school

Worrying is something both adults and kids do and sometimes that fear over the unknown keeps us from getting a good night's sleep. 

Exploring Jesus’ Miracles in the Gospels When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole adults and kids do and sometimes that fear over the unknown keeps us from getting a good night’s sleep. During Sunday School sessions in February we take a closer look at the message that God knows us and how that message is reinforced over and over again in the Bible. 

  • Jesus told a group of His followers not to worry because God knows what they need.  
  • Jesus knew the heart of the woman who anointed His feet with oil and loved her deeply despite her sin.
  • Knowing Peter’s fear when they were walking on water together, Jesus rescued him. Jesus wanted His disciples to know Him and see Him as their Rescuer just like God wants us to know Him. 

We’ll be “Up All Night” (not really, just the hour of Sunday School each week) learning about all the ways we can get to know Jesus.  

Monthly Memory Verse: (Psalm 139:1) 

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! 

february focus

kid's own worship

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants and more.  Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwarter can seem almost like a miracle. 

Gut it's not just under the sea where miracles happen, Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles!

Throughout February in Kid's Own Worship, we learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. 

February 2nd

Jesus does everything out of love. 

John 2:1-12; 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

February 9th

Jesus calls us to follow him.

Luke 5:1-11; Isaiah 6:1-8

February 16th

Jesus knows what we need

John 5:1-9a; Jeremiah 17:7-10

February 23rd

Jesus can do anything

Matthew 15:29-39;  Psalm 37:1-11