2016 Editions
- Reflecting on 2016
- Star Words
- Seasons greetings from Kuldiga UMC
- A long road to recovery in Gatlinburg
- Welcoming Family Promise at Christmas
- Christmas offering
- An afternoon of Christmas music
- Avoiding the temptations of the season
- Helping kids understand Christmas
- Building on tradition
- Pam Britt at Celebrate Recovery
Stewardship Edition
Type content here...
- Remembering the Saints
- Alternative Gift Fair preview
- Fall Festival at 1st Preview
- Blessing of the Animals
- Nobody has ever seen a duck pull a truck
- Stop Hunger Now
- Organ renovations complete
- A year filled with Compassion
- Go.Do. projects
- Go.Do. in New Jersey
- Peak at the Pipes
- Chris' Story (Celebrate Recovery)
- Go.Do. in Latvia
- Go.Do. from a Child's Perspective
- Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference
- New Hires in the Music Department
- Service opportunities for children
- A Way to Help Terry
- Reflections on Annual Conference
- Spreading the Joy of Music
- Send us a Postcard
- Playground Update
- Mission Teams Prepare to Head Out
- Welcoming New Members
- J.O.Y. Fellowship
- VBS 2016 Preview
- NJ Mission Trip Fundraiser
- Tales from the Trail
Noonday Worship Service Extended
- Easter Sunday 2016
- Memorable Trip for Troop 81
- Children's Check-In
Holy Week & Easter Preview
- Deep and Wide
- 1st Worship Nights
- Family Promise Update
- Homosexuality: Why the conversation matters.
- Good Neighbors Milestone
- Wildcat's AT Journey
- Year End Reports - How are we doing?
- Mission Planning
- Prayers for General Conference
- Why I believe
- Seven Last Words - Lenten Series
- Children's Lenten Study
- Star Words
- Conversation Matters Kick Off
- Learning about Latvia