Click on the picture of The Church Bell cover to access the newsletters.
2021 editions
december 2021
- A Time to Be Grateful
- A look ahead to Advent & Christmas
November 2021
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september 2021
- A word about Grace - Rev. Jonas
- Go.Do. Activities for September 2021
- Celebrating a new school year.
august 2021
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July 2021
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June 2021
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May 2021
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April 2021
- The sorrows of Lent and the joys of Easter
- VBS 2021 Announcement
Holy Week/Easter
Special edition - March 15, 2021
A look at the events of Holy Week and Easter 2021
march 2021
- Holy Week & Easter Preview
- Return to in-person worship
february 2021
A look ahead to the Lenten Season