ways to

    celebrate the season

God fulfilled a promise in sending his son Jesus, a promise that brought light into a dark world, and one that offered us HOPE, PEACE, JOY and a LOVE greater than no other.  

Through worship, music, special events and times of reflection we invite you to experience the traditions of the season and make new ones. 





Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...


Worship Focus for the season

In the gospels of Matthew and Luke, the angels/messengers prepare us for Jesus' birth and ministry by telling us who and what Jesus will be.  In these statements, we hear some of God's intentions for sending Jesus into the world.  So, long before Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do people say that I am," or even, "Who do you say that I am," we hear through the words of the angels who God intends Jesus to be. 

Sunday, December 1st

He will save. - 8:15 & 10:30 Traditional Worship

Christmas Music Special - 10:30 Contemporary Worship

Sunday, December 8th

He will reign. - 10:30 Traditional Worship

He will save - 10:30 Contemporary Worship

"Love is Born" - Morning Glory Cantata - 8:15 Traditional

Sunday, December 15th

He will reign. - 8:15 Traditional Worship

He will reign. - 10:30 Contemporary Worship

"Sing in Exultation" - Chancel Choir Cantata - 10:30 Traditional

Christmas Eve, December 24th

He IS Christ the Lord!

2:00 pm - Service especially for children and families

7:00 & 10:00 pm - Traditional Candlelight Worship

December 29th

He will cause division.