where can i go.do. ?


One great way to CONNECT with others is to Go.Do. and serve others in one of the church missions or organizations 1st Church helps to support.  You can serve in small ways or big ones, but it is important to participate in the church's ministries through prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness.  In fact this is a key part of the vows of the United Methodist Church. 

Below, you will find descriptions of the various ministries and missions that are part of our Go.Do. efforts here at 1st Church.  Included are the main contacts for each of those ministries.  You can contact them directly in many cases, but you can also use our Ministry Contact Form if you want to contact more than one person with questions about serving.  If you are ready to Go.Do. and know where you want to serve then fill out the Ministry Interest Form. 

Ministry Contact Form

Ministry Interest Form

Ministry contacts

Below you will find information about volunteer needs and contact information for ministries and missions of

1st United Methodist Church as well as organizations outside of the church that we support. 

If you aren't finding what you are looking for here, please email info@1stchurch.org .

  • Celebrate Recovery

    This group is an  internationally organized Christ-centered 12 Step ministry. The ministry is hospitality based and recognizes that people (and families) are dealing with many difficult issues including addiction, grief, loss, and hopelessness. 

    Celebrate Recovery understands that recovery is a journey where the desire is to move forward together and support each other along the way. 

    Each Wednesday night in Asbury Hall,  Celebrate Recovery begins with a simple meal at 5:30, followed by Worship at 6:30 and share groups at 7:40 pm.

    Childcare is provided.

    Volunteer opportunities:

    • Greeters
    • Servers in the kitchen
    • Food preparation
    • Cleanup
    • Childcare workers (mandatory training required)


    Gordo Watson (General volunteers)  Amelia Geis-Scott (kitchen help)

    Contact via online form

    More information about this ministry can be found at www.CRMaryvilleTN.com .

  • Community Food Connection

    of Blount County

    Located at 311 Whitecrest Drive in Maryville,  the mission of this organization (supported by 1st UMC and many of its members) was initialized when the Blount County Ecumenical Action Council saw the need for a food pantry in the area. 

    The Community Food Connection began operations in May 1991, serving approximately 20 families a week. We now serve over 500 families each week, and have a shared ministry with Meals on Wheels.  The Food Connection helps Blount County residents and never charges for their service.

    Clients to come into the store and select a certain number of items from our stock. On other days,  clients are given a bag of staples and any other fresh items on hand, eggs, meat, bread etc.   Overall, the Food Connection moves in the direction of client choice. 

    100% of the work and the Food Connection relies on support from local churches, civic groups, business partners and school students from Blount County.  

    The Food Connection is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am to 2:00 pm. 

    Friday is by appointment only. 

    Saturday's hours are 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

    Volunteer opportunities:

    • Help unload trucks and stock shelves on Tuesday  and Thursday mornings from 9:00 am to Noon. 
    • Drivers who have pick up trucks are needed t to help with deliveries from Second Harvest and local grocery stores. 
    • Help with client choice and take clients through the store and help with selection. 
    • Help in the store on the days the BCFC is open to help with the flow of inventory and other tasks. 
    • Help with  food drives and other events throughout the year.


    Linda Kerr Wells


    Contact via online form

    Website: http://cfcblount.org/

  • Family Promise

    Several times throughout the year, 1st UMC serves as a host facility for the Blount County Family Promise program.  This multi-layered program helps homeless families get back on their feet.   Each host week, volunteers are needed in a variety of ways.


    Mavis Ziegler

    Contact via online form

  • 1st Kids Ministries

    Whether it's Sunday School, Kids Own Worship or a special event, there is always a need for people to serve in 1st Kids Ministries.  Please check out the 1st Kids section of the website for more on what happens in 1st Kids, then consider reaching out to Kristi Alton to let her know how you can serve. 


    Kristi Alton - Director of 1st Kids Ministries

    865-982-1273 ext. 113



    The First Future youth ministry serves students in 6th - 12th grades.  We provide opportunities for fellowship, education, mission work, and support for students and their families. 


    Chris Jacobs - Director of 1st Student Ministries



  • good neighbors of blount county

    Good Neighbors is a faith based non-profit ministry serving our community by helping our neighbors work through a temporary crisis involving a rental or utility payment situation.  Neighbors meet one on one with a coach to develop a plan to avoid disconnection of service or eviction.  Resources are shared to help neighbors find ways to stretch their budgets and also connection to appropriate agencies that may assist with their individual issues. 

    Volunteer opportunities:

    • Board members
    • Coaches
    • Clerical Work
    • Receptionists
    • Follow up caller
    • Many other duties



    website: www.goodneighborsbc.org



    The people of 1st United Methodist Church have built more than 20 homes as part of the Habitat for Humanity program.  In addition, several members have spent countless hours working  on other Habitat building projects.   Currently 1st UMC is participating in a faith build project, partnering with several other area churches and organizations. 


    Doug Jenkins


    Contact via online form


    The small Baltic nation of Latvia has now had more than 25-years of freedom since the Soviet occupation which forced the closure of the Methodist Churches there.  The United Methodist Church has reopened some of these churches.  1st UMC has a partnership with Kuldiga UMC in Latvia. In this partnership we support the church through prayer, encouragement, building trust and building personal relationships.  1st UMC Maryville also supports the church by providing financial assistance.

    The Latvian Mission team takes a trip to Latvia every two years with the summer of 2018 being the next opportunity for traveling with the team.  We usually conduct a Bible Study for adults and children at Kuldiga.  There is also manual labor to the facility for whatever their current needs are.  The team may also travel to Wesley Camp to support them in whatever project is current on the camp list. 

    You can support Kuldiga UMC through your prayers and by giving to the Latvian Fund or considering going to Latvia on a future trip. 


    Ron & Carol Werker


    Contact via online form


    This mission of 1st United Methodist Church provides meals for the community every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm as a "to go" meal service.   Full dine-in service resumes in August.   New Hope Presbyterian Church offers Welcome Table meals on Tuesday evenings. 

    More information about Welcome Table available by clicking here. 

    Volunteer needs:

    • Drivers to pick up and return people home after the meal
    • Servers
    • Dishwashers
    • People to help with set up and clean up.


    Justin Small

    reach out to JUSTIN

  • adult sunday school

    With more than a dozen classes to choose from, the Sunday School program at 1st UMC covers a lot of ground.  In addition to attending classes, you can also volunteer to become a Sunday School teacher, facilitator or class leader.

    Learn more about the classes offered on Sunday morning at:



    Rev. Nathan Irwin

    865-982-1273 ext. 715


  • Bible Studies

    Throughout the year, there are multiple opportunities to enrich your faith journey through small group and Bible studies.  Watch the website, the Church Bell and social media channels for details as new studies are added.


    Rev. Nathan Irwin

    865-982-1273 ext. 715

    reach out to nathan

  • Men's Bible Study

    The Men's Bible Study is a group of men who meet on Tuesday mornings to study and discuss select books of the Bible or Christian studies. The format frequently uses video based studies and a leader-directed discussion (not lecture based). During the "school year" we meet at the church in room 254 from 6:00am to 7:30am. 

    The group has been meeting for approximately five years and generally has 12-15 men participating in the studies with room for more.


    Owen Ragland


    Contact via online form

  • Shut-in Visitation Ministry

    Help members who are no longer able to attend church, stay connected.

    Volunteers commit to a monthly visit with a church member who is homebound or living in a nursing home.


    Rev. Jonathan Jonas

    (865) 982-1273 ext. 330